Thursday, March 20, 2008

Class on Dissertation

Wednesday 19th March, 2008

This was one of the most helpful class as we got think more deep about our dissertation topics.
Everyone in the class is all worried about their dissertation so i guess this class gave us a path towards our individual topics.

We were divided into groups according to our dissertation topics so my dissertation topic was based on corporate social responsibility. We had to come up with another dissertation topic and present it in class. This was one of the most difficult exercise as we had to come up with a topic relaed to CSR in 20mins!!

Finally we came up with a topic "Are the CSR green initiatives as claimed by UK's MNC's actually being carried out in China?"

and the sub questions were:
- how does it compare to green initiatives by local companies?
- do the MNC's have the same standards for all their green initiatives in theor home country?
- does it have any relation to increasing its bottom line?

What do you expect to find?
we had expected to find that it might be window dressing / green washing. The same standards may not apply.

How are you going to find?
through interviews, content analysis , open ended questinnaires.

What is the problem that will occur?
Resistance from the companies/employees we plan to investigate.

These were some of the things we came up with but apparently our topic was too big and we need to have evidence to find our expectations.

But overall we had got a guideline how to go about our topics and how to frame our sub questions and hypothesis. I am very thankful to Pam and Michaela for keeping this lecture as i'm so sure it has helped everyone in some way or the other.


Anonymous said...

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!


Dissertation Topics

jennifer said...

Whenever i see the post like your's i feel that there are still helpful people who share information for the help of others, it must be helpful for other's. thanx and good job.

Management Dissertation

Susan Bell said...

Hy, Rakita Jain I have just bookmarked this website in my favorites, thanks for such an amazing post about dissertations. I didn’t have much idea about it before but I think, now, I can very well handle it.